Suicide Squad - In final negotiations Tom Hardy, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney and Jared Leto
Began the final negotiations for some cast members of the Suicide Squad, the film DC / Warner directed by David Ayer ...
The cast of Suicide Squad is starting to take shape. THR reveals that Jai Courtney, Tom Hardy, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto have entered into final negotiations, thus confirming that Courtney is negotiating for this film and not for another property DC / Warner as had been rumored recently. As you can see the appeal lacks the name of Will Smith that theoretically would play Digger Harkness aka. Captain Boomerang. No confirmation for the moment even on the participation of Jesse Eisenberg who could return in the role of Lex Luthor.
Recall that according to the latest rumors Tom Hardy should interpret Rick Flagg, Margot Robbie will play Harley Quinn, Jared Leto is the Joker while Jai Courtney will Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot.
But Global News has learned that the film directed by
The pre-production of the film, which will use the working title Bravo 14, will begin in February at Pinewood Toronto Studios. From mid-April until September instead, David Ayer will direct the film in Toronto and surrounding areas.
Suicide Squad is directed by David Ayer (the director of the expected Fury with Brad Pitt) who is putting his hand to the script by Justin Marks revisiting the story inspired by The Dirty Dozen. Produced by Dan Lin and Colin Wilson the film hits theaters August 5, 2016.
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