
sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Sony Hack ', Spider-Man: Andrew Garfield already fired, new details

The hacker attack by the group GoP (Guardians of Peace) against Sony Pictures continues, and with it brings new details from the story 'Spider-Man'. And these, reported by Mashable, are quite interesting.

Apparently, the negative comments of Andrew Garfield, a few months ago, to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - The power of Electro and interference of the study, must have annoyed the 'big boys' of Sony Pictures. It would appear in fact that Garfield would have to meet Kaz Hirai in July "but its absence (announced at short notice) it seemed an affront against the boss of Tokyo." Result? Sony would already fired the actor and discussions on "a new Spider-Man" have already started in October.

The Pascal, then you write a memo to remind you of the possible terms by asking following agreement: "if we have Spider-Man 3 in Captain America: what will be our cost and what we get? We will have to approve the script, the casting of Spider-Man and aunt May, approval of the locations in Queens and all the other places we could visit in future films. Moreover, approval of the new costume. and then what would last her cameo? how much would be faithful to the comic of Civil War? the world will discover who is Spider-Man? they will use other characters from the Spider-Man? We can use some of their characters in our future films not produced by Marvel? We can use Cap 3 to introduce the Sinister Six? can Drew Goddard working with Russian brothers to finish the film? the rent? "

The Pascal will not, of course, give Spider-Man 'free' and think you get the rights to the merchandise and / or a share of the proceeds of Captain America: Civil War; emphasizes that the future of film Spider-Man will have the 'creative control' of Sony alone with Marvel only as a consultant for marketing ("because they are really good at this"). The plan would be to turn the Sony between 2015 and 2016 to an expected output for 2017.

Later, Amy Pascal writes a new memo, making a few questions about the future: "We must remove the film on the Sinister Six? Drew Goddard's hire to write the new movie about Spider-Man? Who would direct the new film? What do we do with Matt Tolmach and avi Arad? i can not put in the next Spidey film or team up. we need to have the rights to the animation, we must make the animated film about Spidey directed by Lord and Miller. we have to be able to do more film on him after the Civil War, we must be able to do the spin-off women. it 'can not add other characters once it with Cap and Iron Man? can we have it in Cap 3 6 months later in Sinister Six? we have to co-finance and to have the recognition productive for every film we do. so we could do with our future films and their characters in a collaborative manner, but we do not need their approval. the Marvel can produce films on Spidey in the same way they do for Disney ... we can put the logo Marvel to Disney and even in our films if they will make us put our in them. "

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