
sabato 28 febbraio 2015

William Shatner to Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy commemorate the stars on Twitter

William Shatner, Zachary Quinto, Seth MacFarlane, Kevin Smith,and other characters from the entertainment world commemorate the late Leonard Nimoy, dedicating a memory on twitter


The disappearance of Leonard Nimoy has obviously shaken the world of the show, in addition to the millions of fans who have followed him and loved all these years. By William Shatner (his companion in adventure in Star Trek) Zachary Quinto (who played Spock in JJ Abrams movie, also starring with him), many stars have commemorated the death of the actor on twitter, dedicating memories and thoughts very affectionate. Below we propose some, just starting from Shatner.

William Shatner: "I loved him like a brother. We all will miss his humor, his talent and his ability to love. "

Zachary Quinto: "My heart is broken. I love you deeply, my dear friend. And I will miss you every day. That the flight of angels can brighten your rest. "

Alyssa Milano: "Leonard Nimoy! You'd always be part of us! Rests. Rest forever among the angels. "

Seth MacFarlane: "Leonard Nimoy has given us one of the greatest and noblest characters of American fiction. Someone find the Genesis planet. "

Kevin Smith: "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most ... human. Farewell, Leonard Nimoy - actor, director, pop culture icon. "

Neil Gaiman: "I just found out that it was off Leonard Nimoy. We did not know well, but I'm happy to have spent time with him. "

Zachary Levi: "Not only has lived and prospered for long, but it has inspired us to do the same. Thanks Leonard Nimoy, of everything. "

Robert Rodriguez: "Today the world lost a legend. Rest in peace Leonard Nimoy. "

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