
domenica 11 gennaio 2015

You do not like the costume of Wonder Woman? Here are the ideas of the fan to improve it

The Wonder Woman costume in Batman vs. Superman has not convinced many fans, and now the site io9 challenged users to present their ideas for  improve here the results.

Whenever a cartoon character is adapted for cinema, it is virtually impossible to get the unanimous consent of the fan: the iconography of comic books, on the other hand, it is difficult to translate into live-action, and readers often find themselves arguing on the choice of the most suitable interpreters for a specific role, or the loyalty of the costumes than the original source.

If we think of the case of Batman vs. Superman, the engagement of Gal Gadot for Wonder Woman has caused much dissatisfaction among fans (which still have not yet seen it in action), and also the costume - work Michael Wilkinson - has not convinced everyone. Well, io9 challenged users to propose their own version of the costume, and the results are visible below: some have simply brightened the colors, others have emphasized the elements armored, others were inspired to design "classic".

But first, let's review the costume that Gal Gadot wear in Batman vs. Superman:

The user's version Dave Paget:

The user's version Teagone:

Another version of Teagone:

Don Jack-user version:

User Pantsunderpants versions:

The user's version Christopher Nico:

Versions user lamboman 7:

The user's version Chalan 7:

Batman vs. Superman, directed by Zack Snyder, will be released March 23, 2016. The cast of the film includes, in addition to Henry Cavill (Superman) and Ben Afflek (Batman), also Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Jeremy Irons (Alfred), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White) and Diane Lane (Martha Kent).

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